
2024 AZ Chiropractic Assistant Training

Nov 13, 2023 - Jan 6, 2025

$379 Enroll

Full course description


Chiropractic philosophy, spinal anatomy, subluxation complex, and spinal pain
2. CA Duties
Responsibilities of the Chiropractic Assistant, medical records, patient communications, SOAP notes, and confidentiality
3. Emergency Procedures
Chiropractic Office Emergencies, red flags to care,  includes blood borne pathogens, recognition of emergency situations, performing the primary and secondary survey
4. Communications 
Patient communication skills, CA to patient relationships, office etiquette, letters and report construction
5. Technical Skills 
Obtaining a history, vital signs, record keeping skills,  consents to transfer records
6. Law and Ethics
Confidentiality, respondent superior, sources of malpractice,
professional boundaries; definitions, prevention, sexual harassment, and developing professional relationships
7. Human Body in Health and Disease
Discusses 20 commonly encounter diseases and disorders seen in chiropractic practice.
8. Physical medicine modalities and therapeutic procedures 
The physiology of wound repair, applications, indications and contraindications of heat, diathermy, electrotherapy, cryotherapy, traction, and construction of exercise programs. Approved for CA training in physical medicine modalities and therapeutic procedures.
9. Radiographic Protection
Basics of x-ray physics, gonad shielding, and x-ray processing.