
2024 Segmental Drop Adjusting: Review of the Thompson Technique

Started Dec 15, 2023
6 credits

$99 Enroll

Full program description

This course will relate the Leg Check Analysis System to the detection of areas of subluxation in the Cervical and Ilio-Sacral Regions of the body and the relationship of the Inhibitory-Facilitory portions of the brain as it applies to the Leg Analysis System. In addition to the analysis system, specialized adjusting procedures will be covered utilizing the Segmental Drop System of Adjustment of the Spine and related Joint Structures.

Hour 1 -  Negative Derifield

Hour 2 - Postive Derifield

Hour 3 - Cervical Syndrome

Hour 4 - Bilateral Cervical syndrome

Hour 5 - X-Derifield

Hour 6 - Supine Adjusting