Full program description
1) Identify what constitutes a concussion.
2) Learn the domains of neuronal dysfunction related to concussion.
3) Learn the etiology of how concussions occur.
4) Understand the nuances of concussion in the adolescent population.
5) Recognize that a loss of consciousness is a key but NOT a required factor in the diagnosis of concussion.
6) Identify the wide range of signs and symptoms of concussion.
7) Learn about tools used to assess and track concussed athletes.
8) Learn the current best practices of managing and determining return to play decisions.
9) Identify common risk factors related to concussion.
10) Identify an algorithmic approach for the assessment and management of a concussed individual at an athletic event.
11) Determine which clinical presentations indicate a prompt or urgent referral to an emergency department.
12) Develop the skills to implement a graded return-to-play protocol for concussed individuals.
13) Explore variables associated with concussion prevention.