Full program description
We will look at questions and concerns related to ethics and the lawful practice of chiropractic in a number of areas including: billing practices, documentation, professionalism, time per patient, billings, and up-coding practices, and culture differences in care.
Hour 1 - Definitions of ethics
Hour 2 - Review and analyze the ethics policies of 3 chiropractic organizations
Hour 3 - Introduction to ethics as it relates to chiropractic practice
Hour 4 - Identify how our values can influence others
Hour 5 - Identification of hte charateristics of ethical and unethical behavior
Hour 6 and 7 - Analyze ethics and practice management
Hour 8 - Identify how to be an ethical professional and learn about societies expectations of the professional
Hour 9 - Identify why informed consent can be an ethical issue
Hour 10 and 11 - Ethics as they relate to patient care, sexism, racism, and cultural differences
Hour 12 - Appropriate procedures and practices related to business practices