
2025 Emergent Care of the Injured Individual

Dec 16, 2024 - Jan 7, 2026
12 credits

$205 Enroll

Full course description

There will be in depth studies of the techniques used with commonly encountered emergency situations encountered in the clinical and other settings.  The course uses multimedia and  a multitude of teaching techniques.  This course does contain evaluative measures in the form of a final examination-using fill in the blank, essay and multiple-choice questions to evaluate learner outcomes. 


Hour 1 - Introduction to emergency management principles

Hour 2 - Universal precautions

Hour 3 - The initial assessment (ABC's)

Hour 4 - The secondary survey

Hour 5 - Chest and abdominal trauma

Hour 6 - Spinal Trauma

Hour 7 - Emergency care of the neurological injury (including stroke)

Hour 8 - Head injury care and evaluation

Hour 9 - Management of cardiovascular collapses and other forms of shock

Hour 10 - Identification of and management of fractures and dislocations

Hour 11 - Evaluation of the unconscious individual

Hour 12 - Management plan for special conditions